Well not home exactly but maybe better! No royal family member ever received a better welcome than I did at the Schlueter house today. Despite the fact that their beloved little cat Whiskers has gone on a walkabout without notice. We sure hope he will be back soon!
My brother Henry help me pack up and ship out of the hospital. I had another little adventure sitting in the sun waiting for Henry to bring the car around, as my wheelchair's right brake failed. But I only went in a gentle slight quarter turn.
When we got settled in a bit at the Schlueter's, Caleb and Emily each got to cut off one tag.
Emily will be my spa administrator and gave me a delightful foot massage to begin the luxury treatment. Caleb plans to be my personal waiter, chef and activity director and has already created a menu.
Dinner was delicious and served with a flourish! Caleb had a little help ; )
Who's an extremely fortunate aunt, sister and sister in law?
Raises hand as high as possible. Me that's who!
Tune in tomorrow to meet Mr Mew, my new not so little iv buddy in a back pack. We are going to be very close friends for a while!
P. S.
This is the only good part to Whiskers' being missing. Harrison is able to come here for a visit till his arch rival returns. Everyone else here got lots of love and turtles but I received a resounding punishing ignoring from my cat till just now at midnight when he couldn't hold out any longer.
I never really doubted that Harrison loves me but it really touched my heart when Henry said that Harrison was the perfect gentleman at their home but every once in a while he would go downstairs and cry and wail his little heart out then come back up and join them politely as if nothing had ever happened. What a guy. He wouldn't want his hosts to think he was unhappy in their home.