Thursday, 13 September 2012

Chippie hunt

Got a call from my nurse Jean today. I asked her when my radiation would begin and she said that Dr Kobeleva is away at a conference this week but I should hopefully hear from them early next week because protocol is that radiation starts within 2 weeks of the mapping so it should start by the 19th. They can't start booking my appointments till Dr K. signs off on the treatment hopefully on Monday. So we'll see.

Meanwhile out on the porch...

If it wasn't so verboten I'd consider feeding our porch Chippie. She provides endless hours of entertainment. As soon as we're outside she starts chirping and takes up her position on our neighbour's porch.

Harry was busy hunting bugs but I gave the Chippie call and he got her in his sights

Chippie is ready to duck and cover at any time.

Harrison and I consider it a successful hunt if I can get him and Chippie into the same shot.

After a long stand off Harrison heads back to the bug hunt. That doesn't sit well with our attention loving little friend so she starts to edge over.

And over.

Till she's on OUR porch.

I whisper "Chippie Chippie" and Harry runs over and up the pipe goes Chippie.

Good times!

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