Tuesday 31 October 2017

Halloween Toddler Roundup and Giving Back

It's high time for a toddler roundup and Halloween is the best time for it! A lot of my people are getting a bit long in the candy corn tooth to trick or treat but luckily cutie witch Lorelei and lil monster Autumn are still going full tilt into fall fun!

Their Mom Ashley let them try out her real wedding gown. So cool!

Autumn the builder, yes she can!

Sweet sisters

Meanwhile in Scotland...

Lizzy had a fever and so was not well enough for trick or treating but she was still a very cute bat!

I had a visit from Batman tonight!

Graycee wanted in on the fun too.

Batman went on to meet up with a friend and had a great time!

One more thing, in Elmira, kids that feel they are a little old for trick or treating can go around and collect cans of food for the food bank! This was Emily's loot basket.

Caleb was back at the church helping there (It's his friend Jaron Bowman who came up with the original idea). They collected a LOT of food!

I think this is SUCH a great idea. Its win win. The older kids are still offered candy because people want to reward good deeds and an occasion that is usually all about taking becomes an exercise in giving back!

1 comment:

  1. what beautiful kids. glad they enjoyed all hallowed eve, except poor dear Lizzy. hope she is better soon.
