Sunday 5 August 2012

Page turning time

Today when my brother Jim came over to vacuum Harrison tried mightily to divert him with extreme cute turtle moves but this still happened.

Harrison cowered under my chair and when Jim left there was much relieved cuddling and celebration of having survived the harrowing ordeal yet again.

It was beautiful out on the porch today and I even felt a bit cold at this temperature when the breeze kicked up.

Yes. Apparently I live in Florida. It was just right for Harry.

Tonight I read this book.

It wasn't a laugh riot but it was clear and calm, easy to understand and not very condescending. It didn't sit too close to me so that I had no where to look but it's cleavage and ask me if I was understanding what it was saying so there's that.

The book and the doctor agree that the side effects will suck and some could be permanent. New fun fact from the book: I could go into immediate menopause with all of the symptoms all at once while my bladder and bowels and stomach and skin and sleep and pain and emotions all go hay wire. I'm sure I will be a real treat to be around. Just a treasure. Bet you can't wait!

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