Tuesday 15 May 2012

Is your fridge running? Cause mine isn't

Guess who has made peace with Mr Mew? Yup they're best buds now even when it's chirping.

Today Anne and Heather came over for a Help Ruthe Bee. Here I am as promised in full winky splendor. Mr Mew fits perfectly into the purse that Emily coloured for my birthday.

Good thing I had helpers because not only did they get me to the lab, cook a delicious meal and get my laundry done, they were also here when I decided to report my incontinent fridge. Turns out the fix is to take every thing out and leave it off for more than 24 hours. Luckily there was room in the common room fridge for everything.

Thanks ladies!

Tomorrow I see Sheena my physiotherapist. I'm anxious to find out if I've kept my leg straight. Fingers crossed!

1 comment:

  1. Aaaawww...Harry cuddled up with Mr.Mew....so cute!!!
