Friday 4 May 2012


Listen I should probably start writing these blog entries before I'm dead tired but here we are anyway.

People ask me how the pain level is and I have a hard time answering because I really really want to say that its not too bad. Truth is that it's still right up there. Not so bad when I'm not moving the leg but as soon as I start my straightening exercises or walk more than a couple of yards with the walker I sure feel it.

Problem is that although my friends and family accept me for my word re pain, (don't stop asking) as soon as it's a physio person or a visiting nurse asking me about pain I start reading their questions as comments and get defensive. And sometimes they do make comments or act surprised that it still hurts. And I can't start letting that get me down or defensive or take less pain medication than I need because that doesn't help.

I'm glad to have Karen here to help me stay sane about this and remind me that I have had major surgery and currently have a cement puck inside my knee. And I have a doctor who knows me and trusts me because she knows that I always tell her the truth about pain and she'll walk through this with me.

The knee pain WILL lessen with time and on the 23rd, V day, I'll have a whole new set of pain areas to distract me so it won't get boring! But I feel like I'm a good third of the way through this journey and I continue to be optimistic regarding the long term results.

Friends and family continue to light up my life.

Today my friend Judy stopped by. She has been an invaluable help to me in dealing with having the picc line. Can you believe that I didn't take her picture? I know! And she brought me a coffee and everything! And because she brought me a coffee instead of posting an old high school picture of her I'll just post another picture of her sweet ride and suggest you google Giftopia. It's free and it's fun and I'm proud of her and her family for stepping out to start something this major!

Tonight I got to see my sweet friend Johanna and her (getting very tall) son Jacob. They brought me the kind of flowers that don't make me sneeze and Harry got a nice tummy rub!

Karen out did herself yet again!

And we had a ladies spa night! I am seriously going to miss these daily foot rubs.

Karen had a wardrobe malfunction but that's because she's lost so much weight!

By the by, if you do come by you can always specify a no blog zone and I will totally respect it! And see - I totally waited till karen pulled her pants back up before I took a picture.

Jacob is taller than his Mum. When did we all get so old!!!!

Stay tuned tomorrow is party time up here. We're hoping to bang out some material for a Cure Crotch Cancer video. Should be a good time and I'm sure it will be TOTALLY dignified.

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