Friday, 2 November 2012

Shatupa your face!

Today we celebrated Dora's 84th ?birthday by going to King's buffet.

Bea forges ahead proudly punching automatic door openers with her cane.

And that my friend is how you get dog poop on your hand from a restaurant door!

I don't know if you know this but going to buffets with seniors is a bit complicated. You're watched like a hawk as to what you dare waste. And they can't try anything new unless they have a back up eater for the item on stand by.

Dora the birthday girl!

Alice will only eat Canadian food.

Bea says the Sprite allows her to eat the food but tragically couldn't finish it and because it was Chinese Alice couldn't help her and hey, it's a buffet, leave it on the table for the waitress to take away was my only help!

I like to freak them out by eating shrimp and sushi, though I'd hardly call it sushi here.

Dora doesn't take kindly to children in restaurants running around yelling. Her feeling on this matter were communicated loudly and with great clarity. "Hey kid, shut up and go sit down!" It was a draw. The kid ignored her and kept on having fun but the mother eventually locked her down.

After lunch three of us sat inside while Alice had her smoke and then she stopped at a few stores and finally for her staff of life!

The 2 new extra larges save her from having to buy 3 of the old size extra larges to last the day. I wouldn't dare drink a thimble of non decaf after 2pm these days.

We came home, and I thought I'd be able to sleep, Harry sure tried to help, but no luck.

Best nap/cuddle tutor ever!

I've decided that I may need to get Dora to yell at the radiation that's still working merrily away speeding along, producing new burns and what looks like huge bruises.

I'll give her a bull horn and have her yell: "Hey kid, shut up and go sit down!" That'll put a crimp in its tail!

1 comment:

  1. Wow...yeah seriously any time now would be a good time for things to stop getting worse!
