Friday, 8 January 2016

Happy 40th Dana!

There are many wonderful people, both blood related and not, who I consider to be nieces and nephews. But there is only one who was first and there is only one person in the world like my niece Dana. 

You usually see her in this blog beside her son Cooper who she shares with me so unselfishly. But I want you to know that before Cooper there was this little girl. 

Here in no particular order are pictures that Henry recently recovered from slides that we have not seen in years if ever. 

Karen holding Dana. Aunt and niece, only 6 years or so apart in age. 

Always happy in her high chair, for a long time she made a mmmmm mmmm mmmmm sound the whole time she ate. 

Mom's first pussy willow baby quilt. She enjoyed making it so much. 

I just love this picture!


So much like Cooper. 


One time as grown ups she and I were on the phone and we both somehow fell asleep. 

At the beginning of the conversation. 

I had told myself before I fell asleep the night before that I should call her first thing, so I did, apparently before I was really awake :-)

Even though I want to reach back in time and wash my hair, I treasure this picture, 

and I treasure you Dana. You are a sparkling example of how we should all be. How we should all love and treat each other. And I could not be any more proud of you. 


  1. I treasure you Ruthe. Thank you ��

  2. I treasure you Ruthe. Thank you ��

  3. I treasure you too Ruthe. Thank you ��

  4. I treasure you too Ruthe. Thank you ��
