Tuesday 7 April 2015

Easter part 2

Well it's been three weeks since surgery and I think I have turned a corner or possibly even two. I won't say there is no pain but I am able to start cutting back on pain relief and that feels good.

I think the surgeon will be pleased with my progress when I go back on Monday.

Sitting long enough to edit pictures is still a challenge but I know you are used to me doing events in parts. Last blog I showed the iPod pictures from Easter Sunday, here now are most of the pictures from my big camera starting over again from Sushi.

I was really proud of Emily, Ava and Olivia for trying new things. It was just too bad that Ava's noodles were so long in coming. Not sure ordering with an iPad is better than the old style paper system.

Mango and chocolate is a great combination!

We didn't have a long visit with Gary but it was really wonderful to see him!

I am just going to say that these two ladies are the best nurses/sisters you could ever hope to have in your corner should you decide to have your body reconstructed.

I am so fortunate.

It was great to have Sean and Stacy with us.

Melissa just got back from Cuba and brought back some really great pictures, especially of Havana.

She brought Ava and Olivia some really cool dolls.

Lots of lovely little girl interactions.

Lizzy is not so sure about the big camera (yet.)

There was a lot of sweet sharing.

Donuts made by Ava and Olivia:

Emily took these next pictures of Lizzy:

Love love love the picture of the shoes.

Emily and Ava thought bunny ears went well with Easter.

A few more pictures to come but the next day I was excited to see if the spots were gone from the inside of the camera and the best way to see that is to look at the sky.

Totally clear! Yay!

There was still snow on the porch...

And I was very impressed to see that Harry understood he had to cross the snow...

To reach the sun!

We headed on down the sidewalk.

And you can tell the sun was warm because this happened.


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