Wednesday 24 April 2013

Big day

Awesome day. It was rib night so our friend Matt joined us for that and swimming.

Wait a minute first of all I had Physio again today and found out that my physiotherapists name is Waldemar, pronounced Voldemor. Vasaly must be someone else. For the most part I will be working three days a week with Bobby and my contact with Waldemar will be through her. Which is just fine. We had a good chat about cats today. Bobby said that she is not afraid of them or allergic, just not used to them. That's more than fair and Harrison can work with that.

Wait a minute before that I got my first ever check for writing! Lets take a moment to enjoy that. And yes I took a picture of it! I got a 50% raise on my first check over what had been agreed upon so that made me feel good! But the important thing is that I got paid for writing which has been a dream of mine since I was 10 years old. Very very cool.

So swimming. Wow I really went to town. It started out so cool. I walked down into the pool doing the steps correctly - one after the other, not start stop start stop. And just like the first time I walked correctly a few weeks ago, weight from one leg to the other in Karen's hallway, it felt like I was doing a wonderland ride. My support group was was right there like always clapping for me the whole way! Yes they were. They were standing there in the pool clapping their little hearts out.

I never dreamed that steps might be in my future. But I really should ask my physiotherapy people before I do more. Exciting stuff though!

I was able to exercise so much that I had to leave the pool early because my blood sugar was low. Something I will have to pay more attention to as I get more active.

Don't look so superior Harrison, you led us on a merry chase tonight. Someone left the hall door open so Karen and I thought that Harrison had escaped. The kids ran through the whole building looking for him.

Turns out he was hiding under the big chair the whole time. Silly nut.

I won't be doing a leg stretch tonight because I think I have extended my physical limitations for the day :)

Wish me luck tomorrow as I go to Hamilton for a three month cancer checkup. Expecting to hear good news about the CAT scan I had in March.

Let me leave you with a little bit of lemon beagle cuteness. Maymo and Penny of course.

This is just one of the Maymo the lemon beagle videos you should watch. Maymo and Penny will make your life better.


  1. we had a very similar moment this week when the furnace man left the front door open, and we thought we were short one cat... but Albus emerged a couple hours later from some ingenious hiding spot. The noise of the furnace cleaning drove him into deep deep cover.

  2. love this awkward poster! and Harry's intense stare.
