Friday 20 June 2014

Caleb's Graduation

Yesterday Karen and Caleb picked me up and we headed to Michaels for some craft supplies for Emily. Michaels where we're too busy selling you twigs from our backyard to use apostrophes. But I am certainly in no position to throw grammatical pebbles.

Always good to see this little guy:

The boy loves fruit.

Some vet gloves so Emily can at least go into the pool:

Happy with the craft supplies! It's inspired me to get my watercolor pencils out too. I wonder what will happen. It'll be fun to find out!

Next it was time to head out to Mahoodfest. A year end festival at Emily's school. Emily is graduating this year from grade 5 into the school that Caleb is leaving so we'll have another graduation next week :)

Hi Emma!

It was great to meet your Mom!

Emma and Emily, as seniors, were busy helping out at the back sale.

Selling to dad was a sure sale!

We left Emily to finish her duties as a senior panther and headed off to get Caleb ready for grad.

Goodbye John Mahood Public School. You've been good to us.

Just in case I forget my role as treat giver.

Warning: the pictures ahead may cause verklemption for people who saw The Cub grow up but hey, at least they're not set to sad music.


In a very short period of time this happened:

Principal James Bond handing over the honours pin.

Time for the slide show. The kids were hooting and hollering. The parents were very very quiet.

Happy that they picked an Aunt Camera picture.

Our friend Matt. So cute!

The first dance was for parents. After which they were forcibly ejected.

Then he came and hugged me.

Well done Caleb. Very proud of you!

Today I gave the flowers a pass and focused on leaves.

Another new bird. Red bellied - despite the red head - woodpecker.


or tails?


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